Have you already overdosed on football? You just have to hold out until July 14. That's when the European champions are crowned, but the breather is short. The Super League resumes on July 20/21 - including our favorite club,FC Winterthur https://fcwinterthur.ch/ . As you know, we are the jersey sponsor of FCW, and from the new season on also ofFC Winterthur Women https://fcwinterthur.ch/teams/fcw-frauen , who managed to stay in the National League B in their second-last match, for which we would like to congratulate them. Football is a mass phenomenon, but it also has interesting technical aspects for nerds (aka football grouches). In our new blog entry, we take a look at the various aspects of real-time TV broadcasting. Some time ago, we measured how long it takes to transmit the action from the stadium to the TV. We look into the question of why some neighbors cheer before you when the Swiss national team scores a goal. And we show you how you can receive the matches in the best picture quality via multicast, provided you have a Fiber7 connection. But football is also a popular sport. After the European Championships, neighborhood and village clubs will once again be flooded with countless registrations from girls and boys, who unfortunately end up on waiting lists in many places because there is too little infrastructure and too few coaches. Politicians and volunteers are under a lot of pressure in this regard to ensure that our children become promising young footballers. By the way, Init7 has also been playing football since this season. We now have a team in the Winterthur company leagueunterklassig.ch http://unterklassig.ch/ . However, our "Squadra Init7" had a rather slow start to the season and we are currently in 7th place in Group B. In addition to the most beautiful secondary matter in the world, there is also news about the fiber optic expansion. You already know our mapftth.init7.net http://ftth.init7.net/ - it shows the (great!) progress on a daily basis. To do justice to this, we are building countless Fiber7 PoPs throughout Switzerland. You can help us with this. As in previous years, we are once again crowdfunding with the specialistSwisspeers https://www.swisspeers.ch/ . We are looking for 111 people to lend us 7,000 francs each. You can also help us by recommending Init7 to your friends and acquaintances - ourreferral program https://www.init7.net/en/init7-empfehlen/ may not be new, but it's good! Last but not least: We would like to achieve first place in the "Best Provider Private Customers" category of the Bilanz Telekom Rating again this year - it would be the 7th time in a row. Please complete the survey and rate us. Thank you very much for your support. I wish you, depending on your preference, a great soccer or soccer-free summer! Fredy Künzler FC-Winti-Fan PS: The Competition Commission published its ruling on the fiber optic dispute https://blog.init7.net/en/die-glasfaserstreit-geschichte/ a few weeks ago. With 206 pages of reading material and 996 marginal numbers https://www.weko.admin.ch/dam/weko/de/dokumente/2024/netzbaustrategie_swisscom_verfuegung_vom_4_dezember_2023.pdf , it's the perfect distraction from the general football frenzy.

Bits & Bites #07

Winterthur, 18.06.2024

Hello [Vorname] [Nachname]

Have you already overdosed on football?
You just have to hold out until July 14. That's when the European champions are crowned, but the breather is short. The Super League resumes on July 20/21 - including our favorite club, FC Winterthur. As you know, we are the jersey sponsor of FCW, and from the new season on also of FC Winterthur Women, who managed to stay in the National League B in their second-last match, for which we would like to congratulate them.

Football is a mass phenomenon, but it also has interesting technical aspects for nerds (aka football grouches). In our new blog entry, we take a look at the various aspects of real-time TV broadcasting. Some time ago, we measured how long it takes to transmit the action from the stadium to the TV. We look into the question of why some neighbors cheer before you when the Swiss national team scores a goal. And we show you how you can receive the matches in the best picture quality via multicast, provided you have a Fiber7 connection.

But football is also a popular sport. After the European Championships, neighborhood and village clubs will once again be flooded with countless registrations from girls and boys, who unfortunately end up on waiting lists in many places because there is too little infrastructure and too few coaches. Politicians and volunteers are under a lot of pressure in this regard to ensure that our children become promising young footballers. By the way, Init7 has also been playing football since this season. We now have a team in the Winterthur company league unterklassig.ch. However, our "Squadra Init7" had a rather slow start to the season and we are currently in 7th place in Group B.

In addition to the most beautiful secondary matter in the world, there is also news about the fiber optic expansion. You already know our map ftth.init7.net - it shows the (great!) progress on a daily basis. To do justice to this, we are building countless Fiber7 PoPs throughout Switzerland. You can help us with this. As in previous years, we are once again crowdfunding with the specialist Swisspeers. We are looking for 111 people to lend us 7,000 francs each. You can also help us by recommending Init7 to your friends and acquaintances - our referral program may not be new, but it's good!

Last but not least: We would like to achieve first place in the "Best Provider Private Customers" category of the Bilanz Telekom Rating again this year - it would be the 7th time in a row. Please complete the survey and rate us. Thank you very much for your support.

I wish you, depending on your preference, a great soccer or soccer-free summer!

Fredy Künzler

PS: The Competition Commission published its ruling on the fiber optic dispute a few weeks ago. With 206 pages of reading material and 996 marginal numbers, it's the perfect distraction from the general football frenzy.

Football eu(ro)phory

Init7 supports football with passion and is a proud sponsor of the FCW men's team and, from next season, also a shirt co-sponsor of the women's team, which is celebrating its retention in the National League B. Congratulations and we look forward to the coming season!

When the neighbours cheer earlier: football TV hell

Every two years, the European Championship or World Cup takes place in alternation. With the same regularity, countless fans ask themselves why the push notification on their cell phone beeps a goal by the Swiss national team even though they haven't even seen it on TV yet. Even worse: this summer too, it's annoying when the neighbors cheer or moan 30 seconds earlier for every dicey scene!

We explain what you can do about this in our new blog post.

Public-Viewing: Fussballschuppen EM 2024

The European Football Championship has started and we are pleased to offer free internet access to all guests at our favorite public viewing.

At Winterthur Töss station you can watch all the games free of charge, including a disco ball and delicious food!

Drop by and Hopp Schwiiz 🇨🇭 !

Squadra Init7 - Company League Winterthur

Since April, the "Squadra Init7" has also been involved in the Winterthur company football league. After a good start with a total of four goals, unfortunately not so many goals followed. However, the team is confident. As they get to know their teammates better and train regularly, they will hopefully settle in better and achieve the desired results.

One thing is clear: they are hungry for victory!

We wish them much success and, above all, lots of fun!

Invest in Init7

In 2016 and 2017, we already carried out two successful crowdlending rounds for our Fiber7 PoP infrastructure with the financing specialists from swisspeers.ch. These financing rounds have long been paid off. The success at that time has prompted us to use this instrument again today to partially finance the large number of new Fiber7 PoPs.

We would like to take out a loan totaling CHF 777,000. The smallest investment is CHF 7,000.

Crowdlending works like an auction: all bids that are submitted on time are ranked. If the CHF 777,000 is oversubscribed, the "worst bids" from the borrower's point of view are not considered. The chance of winning the bid therefore increases with a lower interest offer.

You can find all the details at Swisspeers - thank you very much for your support!

Your opinion counts! - BILANZ Telekom Rating

Thanks to your support, we received our sixth consecutive gold medal in the BILANZ Telekom rating last year.
Now it's time for the next rating!

BILANZ is once again conducting a short survey (available in German, French and Italian) for the Telekom Rating 2024. We would be delighted if you would take a few minutes to take part.

Your answers will of course be treated confidentially by BILANZ and will only be used in anonymized form. Init7 will not receive any information about your evaluation. The results of the BILANZ Telecom Rating will be published in September.

10 years of Fiber7 - the winners have been determined!

We are overwhelmed! You diligently took part in our birthday post on Instagram and described Fiber7 in 186 comments with one (or sometimes more) word(s).

The 10 lucky winners were notified directly.
Congratulations and thank you for taking part!

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You can find past newsletters in our archive.

Recommend Init7

Recommend Init7 to your friends and acquaintances and receive a bonus of CHF 111. Your referral code: [Referral Code]

Fiber Optic Check

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Kind regards from Winterthur,
Your Init7 team


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Init7 (Schweiz) AG
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur

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