A blog author from the French-speaking part of Switzerland began his report these days with "Le frondeur Init7…". "Frondeur" stands for "fierce critic of the government or the system". The so-called "fiber optic dispute" has been with me practically day and night for almost four years. It will soon come to a conclusion, at least in the first instance. The Competition Commission will issue its ruling against the ex-monopolist and thus definitively avert a fiber optic monopoly. The fact that we had the audacity to file a complaint with COMCO in autumn 2020 against the monopolization attempt of "the system" has earned us a lot of malice, resentment and damage to our reputation. Hundreds of thousands of households are stuck with a blocked fiber optic connection. The market leader was never tired of claiming that Init7 was "to blame" for the blockage, especially in French-speaking Switzerland. Now the process is on the home straight: Fiber optic expansion is finally moving forward, innovation has not been stifled and the population must not be milked by the monopolist. We have traced this success story in our blog. I hope you enjoy reading it and wish you all the best for 2024. Fredy "Frondeur" Künzler

Bits & Bites #04

Winterthur, 12.01.2024

Hello [Vorname] [Nachname]

A blog author from the French-speaking part of Switzerland began his report these days with "Le frondeur Init7…".
"Frondeur" stands for "fierce critic of the government or the system". The so-called "fiber optic dispute" has been with me practically day and night for almost four years. It will soon come to a conclusion, at least in the first instance. The Competition Commission will issue its ruling against the ex-monopolist and thus definitively avert a fiber optic monopoly. The fact that we had the audacity to file a complaint with COMCO in autumn 2020 against the monopolization attempt of "the system" has earned us a lot of malice, resentment and damage to our reputation. Hundreds of thousands of households are stuck with a blocked fiber optic connection. The market leader was never tired of claiming that Init7 was "to blame" for the blockage, especially in French-speaking Switzerland. Now the process is on the home straight: Fiber optic expansion is finally moving forward, innovation has not been stifled and the population must not be milked by the monopolist. We have traced this success story in our blog.

I hope you enjoy reading it and wish you all the best for 2024.

Fredy "Frondeur" Künzler

Init7 - in a nutshell

We can look back on a successful year. We went live with a total of around 80 new Fiber7 PoPs, Easy7 was launched in May and we expanded our product range through our partnership with Zattoo Home.

We are also planning to launch numerous Fiber7 PoPs in the new year in order to further expand our infrastructure.
Good news: despite the VAT increase, our prices remain unchanged.

New FTTH availability map

Our new FTTH availability map depicts the whole of Switzerland and shows not only the addresses that can currently be marketed but also those that will be marketed in the future. This map makes it transparent where fiber will be available in the future.

To the map

Init7 speaks Italian

The number of our PoPs in Ticino is constantly increasing. Our website is therefore now also available in Italian. We look forward to expanding further in Ticino.

To the page

Takeover of ORIGON AG

We have taken over the provider business of ORIGON AG. We are delighted that ORIGON AG has entrusted us with its customers. The takeover is the result of the imminent retirement of founder Angelo Pennella.

To the press release

Init7, un fournisseur d’accès internet indépendant basé à Winterthur et réputé pour son combat contre Swisscom, a récemment lancé une carte de disponibilité FTTH (Fiber To The Home) pour la Suisse.

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Your Init7 team


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Init7 (Schweiz) AG
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur

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